
Public defence in Architecture, Landscape and Urbanism, M.Sc. Yizhou Zhao

Public defence from the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Architecture
The construction photo of the Strait Culture and Art Center, designed by the Finnish architectural office PES.
Image Credit: Mawei New City Group

The title of the thesis: Finnish Architects in China: Discourses and Practices

Doctoral student: Yizhou Zhao
Opponent: Prof. Marja Sarvimäki, Bond University, Australia
Custos: Prof. Pirjo Sanaksenaho, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Architecture

This doctoral dissertation focuses on Finnish architects' practices and discourses in China amidst the rapid urbanization. It illustrates the intricate relationship between Finnish architectural design and elements encompassing China's urban scale, social fabric, and cultural context. This study extends the exploration of Finnish architecture and enriches aspects of design thinking, cultural exchanges, and organizational structures within modern transnational architectural practices. For architectural researchers, this dissertation provides detailed insights into transnational architectural practices, a rarity in many studies. Its uniqueness stems from the author's firsthand involvement, offering a comprehensive view of these practices. For architects engaged in such practices, this dissertation offers a broader perspective, enabling reflection and critique of the purpose-driven, intuitive decisions inherent in design processes.

Thesis available for public display 10 days prior to the defence at:

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