
Public defence in Bioelectronics and Instrumentation, M.Sc.(Tech.) Noora Matilainen

Localizing brain activation with enhanced TMS

Public defence from the Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation
TMS coil on the head surface induces an electric field in the brain.

The title of the thesis: Improved transcranial magnetic stimulation protocols to locate brain activations

Doctoral student: Noora Matilainen
Opponent: Prof. Dr. Til Ole Bergmann, Johannes Gutenberg University Medical Center, Germany
Custos: Prof. Ilkka Laakso, Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation

Localizing brain activation with enhanced TMS 

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation method used in both scientific research and clinical treatment for conditions such as depression, chronic pain, and neurological disorders. The aim of this dissertation is to enhance the precision of localizing individual brain regions using TMS. This research identifies the current methodological challenges in TMS mapping and offers solutions that improve the accuracy, reliability, and efficiency of the stimulation, enabling better treatment outcomes and more robust scientific data. 

The methods introduced in this dissertation focus particularly on the precise mapping of motor brain regions using TMS. New techniques, such as 3D scanning and electric field modelling, allow for more accurate and streamlined targeting of stimulation, reducing the risk of errors, and speeding up the procedures. These advancements are especially critical for applications where accuracy is paramount, such as motor cortex mapping prior to neurosurgical interventions. Additionally, the use of active muscles during motor cortex stimulation shortens the stimulation duration and reduces the intensity required, making TMS a more patient-friendly treatment option. The research also suggests that TMS may affect deeper brain structures, such as white matter, which opens new possibilities for both clinical applications and scientific exploration. 

These findings pave the way for expanding TMS use into entirely new applications. Furthermore, they offer the potential to significantly improve and refine existing TMS treatments and research protocols. With neurological disorders on the rise and an aging population presenting increasing challenges to healthcare, the need for new and more effective treatments is only expected to grow in the future.

Keywords: TMS, transcranial magnetic stimulation, motor cortex

Thesis available for public display 10 days prior to the defence at:

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