Public defence in Design, MA Kirsi Hakio
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The title of the thesis: Turning inwards in transformative co-design: Cultivating the interconnectedness of internal and external change
Doctoral student: Kirsi Hakio
Opponent: Prof. Lisa Grocott, Monash University, Australia
Custos: Prof. Tuuli Mattelmäki, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Design
This doctoral thesis examines how co-design as an enabling creative practice can contribute to the transformation toward eco-social sustainability.The motivation behind the research stems from the global pressure and need to transform toward more sustainable, just, and equal societies and ways of co-existing. The focus of this research was on the inner dimensions and conditions of transformation and sustainability. These include individual and collective mental models – the internal images in our minds that represent everything we think we know about the world and shape our habits, values, beliefs and attitudes.
Transformative co-design refers here to a process that takes into account the effects of these internal conditions on the formation of external responses. The main arguments of the research draw attention to the potential of transformative co-design in how it supports participants to adopt new, more caring and aligned internal postures by creating favourable conditions for mutual learning and broader experiences of connection with self, others and the world. In this way, the research expands the perspectives of the empathic design and co-design research fields on the internal dimensions of sustainability, and shifts the focus from human-centeredness towards eco-systemic perspectives.
Based on the findings, the thesis presents a collection of components and corresponding exercises and techniques, by means of which self-reflective and awareness-based internal shift work can be facilitated as part of co-design. Further, the work provokes to take into account the ever-present possibility of making an internal shift a conscious choice, which means that every encounter and interaction with others and the world presents an opportunity to practice an internal posture of care–if we want it to.
Thesis available for public display 10 days prior to the defence at:
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