
Special Seminar: Anna Kantosalo "Human-Computer Co-Creativity - A Research Agenda Beyond the Lab"

Anna Kantosalo is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki.

Human-Computer Co-Creativity - A Research Agenda Beyond the Lab

Anna Kantosalo
University of Helsinki

Wednesday, 5 January at 10:30
via Zoom: request the link by email [email protected]

Abstract: Creativity is one of the most universal human experiences. Recent advances in artificial intelligence have made computational systems capable of exhibiting creative behavior, which enables new ways for AI and humans to co-create. The creative collaboration between artificially intelligent agents and humans is studied in the emerging field of human-computer co-creativity. The application areas of this new field are numerous, including not only traditional artistic domains, such as painting, music, and literature, but also domains such as architecture, design and content creation.

In this talk I discuss the potential impact of human-computer co-creativity beyond science, and give an overview of the scientific challenges of this emerging field through examples from my own work. Finally I discuss my research agenda for human-computer co-creativity focused on studying intelligent adaptation, ethical design, embodiment and experimental interfaces for human-computer co-creative systems beyond the lab.

Bio: Anna Kantosalo is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki. She received her PhD in 2019 from the university of Helsinki. Anna is one of the pioneers in the emerging field of human–⁠computer co-creativity. She is fascinated by questions such as how artificial intelligence can contribute to the creative process, when is the effect of artificial agents the most effective and how is human creativity changed by collaborating with artificial intelligence. To this end Anna has developed methods for the design, evaluation and modeling of co-creative systems. She has received the best student paper award of the International Conference on Computational Creativity in 2017 and their best student paper runner up award in 2015. She has reviewed manuscripts for journals such as TOCHI, and is a program co-chair for the Thirteenth International Conference on Computational Creativity. In addition she is the diversity officer for the Association for Computational Creativity.

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