
Switching the Current megagame

Switching the Current is a large-scale social game (megagame) where each participant is assigned a role to explore the possibilities and limitations of the energy system and its relation to society. The goal is to have more constructive conversations and a better understanding of the systemic perspective in relation to societal transformation and energy issues.
Switching the Current megagame cover image

Switching the Current

Megagame about energy systems

The project Switching the current aims to promote dialogues about the transformation of the energy system between various stakeholders through games. The goal is to have more constructive conversations and a better understanding of the systemic perspective in relation to societal transformation and energy issues.

Switching the current uses large-scale social games (megagames) where each participant is assigned a role as a tool to improve awareness and understanding of the possibilities and limitations of the energy system and its relation to society. The game's premises and action possibilities are based on information from official sources, scientific publications, and real-world actors.

Your participation in the mega game lasts about 6 hours. You will be assigned a role in the game where you represent a societal group (e.g., middle-income earners), a company (e.g., electricity distributors or manufacturing industry), or a role as a politician or researcher. Your task will be to try to achieve certain goals for your role while everyone playing must achieve common goals regarding the transition to a sustainable society. The game itself combines board games with negotiations and role-playing. During the mega game, game leaders from the project will be available to answer questions. They will also make various interventions during the course of the game.

When you arrive at the game, you will first answer a background survey. Then, you will be assigned a role in the game. Before the game begins, we provide a brief background on the project and an introduction to the game. Then you will conduct a practice round. There will be a lunch break after the initial rounds have been conducted. After lunch, the game continues for about 2 hours. After the games has finished, you will be offered refreshments, and at the same time, we will distribute a survey where you answer questions about your experience of the game. Finally, we will have a debriefing which take place as discussions in smaller groups, giving you the opportunity to discuss the day's events with other participants.

Switching the current is a research project. Therefore, we will collect as much data as possible. Data collection is done through video recordings, documentation of the game tables, and the surveys you answer before and after the game. You will receive more detailed information about the project's purpose, what data is collected, and how the data is stored and used in connection with the game. All participation is voluntary, and we collect consent from you participants before the game begins.

The project Switching the current is funded by the Swedish Energy Agency and is carried out by Linköping University in collaboration with the University of Skövde and the School of Education and Communication in Jönköping. We have conducted five mega games so far, this time hosted by Aalto University.

Students of Aalto University can get credits (1 ECTS) for participating in the megagame.

For more information contact:
[email protected]

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