
The 3rd International Conference on Disability Studies, Arts & Education - 7-9th October 2021

The 3rd International DSAE Conference will be organised on 7-9th October, 2021. The conference builds on the previous two conferences, held in Helsinki (2017), and in Philadelphia (2019). The biannually organized conference will be an online event in 2021, hoping the conference will continue to interest the participants from the previous conferences as well as new audiences. The conference follows the ideology of the mission of the DSAE network, understanding disability as a cultural identity, an orientation to life that brings variation, diversity and richness to the disabled and non-disabled in culture, society, and to individuals.
Image Description: black and white photograph of artist Yo-Yo Lin performing on a stage with right knee and her left hand touching the floor. She is surrounded by a translucent scrim with graphical images projected upon it.   the image credits:  the walls of my room are curved (2019). Courtesy of artist Yo-Yo Lin. Photo by Steve Dabal.

Visit the Conference Website Link Below for Full Details

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