
The KOTAMO report: Equality, non-discrimination and diversity among teaching and research staff in higher education institutions - Making Waves 2/Feb/2023 14:00

Join us for our next Making Waves event on 2/Feb/2023 14:00: Senior Expert Julia Jousilahti (Demos Helsinki) will talk about the KOTAMO report commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Culture: Equality, non-discrimination and diversity among teaching and research staff in higher education institutions.
The KOTAMO report - Making Waves 2/Feb/2023

What is the KOTAMO project?

The KOTAMO project examined how equality, non-discrimination and diversity among staff members can be promoted in Finnish higher education institutions. Based on the study, concrete proposals for measures were developed for higher education institutions and for national policy approaches.

The project (2021–22) examined equality and non-discrimination in the recruitment, professional career paths and workplace atmosphere among teaching and research staff. The project also explored the measures taken in reference countries to promote equality and non-discrimination in higher education institutions.

The project was commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Culture and was conducted by Demos Helsinki, Oxford Research, Includia Leadership, Researcher Inkeri Tanhua, Professor Liisa Husu and Kaskas Media.

You can read the KOTAMO report in PDF by following the link in the KOTAMO English page at (and in Finnish here)

"In universities, the clearest statistical indication of gender inequality becomes manifest in the sharp decline in the number of women in the highest ranks of academic careers. When examining university careers, it can be seen that female undergraduate students outnumber male undergraduates, whereas the number of men in top posts in academia far exceeds that of women." (OKM)

“Finland and its higher education institutions are becoming increasingly international in scope. Finland desperately needs international talent, so we must be more mindful of ethnic equality in higher education institutions"  (Julia Jousilahti)


KOTAMO report - gender distribution in academic employees at different career stages

Join us for this Making Waves in-person event to hear directly from the first author of the report, Senior Expert Julia Jousilahti (Demos Helsinki) about how the study was conducted, the results, and take home messages from the KOTAMO report.

Please note that this is an onsite event!

You are welcome to join us on campus at TU6 (TUAS, Maarintie 8). If you join on campus, coffee/tea and food will be served. It is important that you register in advance so that we can guarantee food and seats for everyone.


  • 14:00 - 14:15 Introduction with refreshments
  • 14:15 - 15:00 The KOTAMO report. Talk by Senior Expert Julia Jousilahti
  • 15:00 - 15:30 Open discussion (the discussion can continue also after 15:30)


If you need to contact us, please visit the Making Waves webpages.


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