
Unfolding Tomorrow — Better cities, better planet

Join us to find out how living in cities could be more sustainable and affordable!
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How can cities be more sustainable?

Cities are a key contributor to climate change, as urban activities are major sources of greenhouse gas emissions. The UN estimates that cities are responsible for 75 percent of global CO2 emissions, with transport and buildings being among the largest contributors. The pandemic and the war in Ukraine have raised prices, fueling the global food crisis and making living in cities even more expensive.

In this Unfolding Tomorrow, we’ll discuss what kind of climate action cities can take and how living in cities could be more sustainable and affordable.

Unfolding Tomorrow is an event series that brings the brightest minds in business, academia, and government together to talk about what we can do today to make tomorrow better. The topics come from the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their targets and indicators. The events are organized together with the UN Association of Finland and the City of Espoo.

We’re joined by experts from politics, NGOs, and business for brief introductory talks followed by a panel discussion. After the talks, you are welcome to stay for further discussions with the speakers and other participants over food and drinks.

Read more about the event and speakers on this event page.

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