
Urban transitions for cooler futures: Imagining Malminkartano in 2050

Cities are critical intervention points when addressing climate change and there is an urgent need to transform both how we live in cities and how cities support our needs.
Envisioning Malminkartano 2050. Photo: Andre Vicentini
Envisioning Malminkartano 2050. Photo: Andre Vicentini

Cities are critical intervention points to address climate change and there is an urgent need to transform how we live in cities and how cities support our needs. The 'Urban transitions and futures' course focuses on transitions to sustainable post-carbon cities by using design-led futures thinking. Students develop visions for sustainable urban futures and strategies of experimentation to achieve these visions. In 2019, the course focused on Malminkartano neighbourhood in Helsinki.

The exhibition consists of a short video, photographs and student posters. The video highlights the importance of urban transitions and mutual learnings in this collaborative, transdisciplinary course from the eyes of the students, City of Helsinki and the course teacher. The posters display research insights, the co-created visions for Malminkartano district in Helsinki in 2050, and the pathways to achieve these visions.

Urban Transitions and Futures course is jointly offered by the Creative Sustainability masters program, Aalto University and the Urban Studies and Planning master’s programme, University of Helsinki and delivered by Idil Gaziulusoy who is Professor of Sustainable Design at the Department of Design, School of ARTS, Aalto University. 

Working group: Idil Gaziulusoy, Assistant Professor of Sustainable Design, The School of Arts, Design and Architecture, master students from Aalto University and University of Helsinki, City of Helsinki, citizens of Malminkartano neighbourhood

Contact: [email protected]

Designs for A Cooler Planet

Designs for a Cooler Planet – Helsinki Design Week 2019

During September 2019, Aalto University's exhibition programme for Helsinki Design Week, titled 'Designs for a Cooler Planet' will introduce solutions for more sustainable lifestyles in Otaniemi

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