For alumni

How Aalto are you?

Welcome for a trip down Aalto memory lane!

1. From where did the School of Business move to Töölö in 1950?


Until 1950, the School of Economics was located in Fabianinkatu. In 2015, the first students starting their university years in Otaniemi campus were transported from Töölö to Otaniemi by land, sea, and air by truck, ferry, and helicopter.

Kuvassa Lönnrotinkadun kyltti nojaa Aalto-logoon.

2. Which traditional institution originated in 1985? 


The documented history of the School of Business initiation ceremonies dates back to 1939 when students from elsewhere were taught the school etiquette. The sittning tradition came to Finland from Sweden already hundreds of years ago. The first spectacle show of technology students was as early as the 1930s. 

Paper hat made from Kauppalehti newspaper

3. What kind of mischief were technology students up to in 1956?


In 2018, the Polytechnic Sobriety Society tried to empty Otaniemi Alko of all alcohol available. In the early 1950s, the campaign to get the University of Technology to move to Otaniemi was started. In 1956, technology students began regular TV broadcasts, two years before the Broadcasting Corporation YLE.

Kuvassa teekkarilakki Aalto-logon päällä.

4. What did technology students place on the roof of the KY house as a prank?


The statue of Paavo Nurmi was sneaked on the deck of the Wasa ship in 1961. The Moskowitz car, filled with concrete, was a prank done by technology students from the Tampere University of Technology. When the letter T suddenly appeared in the KY neon sign on the KY building roof, the business students surely knew who the culprit was.

Kuvassa Paavo Nurmen patsas, jossa Nurmi juoksee.

5. What was the original name of the School of Arts and Design ("Taideteollinen korkeakoulu")?


The University of Art and Design was founded in 1871 as the School of Sculpture. Today, it is the largest in its field in the Nordic countries and one of the most prestigious schools in its area in the world.

Red armchair next to an Aalto logo with glasses perched on top

6. The Maskerad masquerade festival began in the early 20th century, but the tradition was on hold from the 1950s to the early 2000s. Why?


The school was transferred to state ownership in 1965, and they moved from Ateneum to the Arabia factory area in 1981. There is no historically proven information as to what was the reason for the Maskerad party not being held for a long time. Still, the rumor has it that no restaurant in Helsinki would allow its attendants to enter their facilities.

Kuvassa kyltti, jossa lukee eri väreillä maitoa, herkkuja ja säilykkeitä.

7. Who is the Dipoli building designed by?


Dipoli is an iconic building designed by Pietilä and Paatelainen in 1961. Today, Dipoli is the main building of Aalto University, intended for working and learning.

Aerial shot of Dipoli building on Aalto campus

8. Täffä spaghetti has been sold on Wednesdays for almost 40 years. How much spaghetti is made each Wednesday?


Täffä has been serving spaghetti on Wednesdays for 38 years. The spaghetti recipe is a well-kept secret for a reason: the number of diners doubles on Wednesdays and could rise to as high as 1,600.

Kuvassa lautasellinen spagettia ja kastiketta.

9. You see a student in Otaniemi wearing white overalls with a green leg and a black emblem on their back. Who could they be?


For example, the overalls worn by a physics student are white. The color of the back logo varies from year to year; in even years, the logo is black on a white background. The legs of the overall are often exchanged with a partner. The overalls of business students are dollar green.

Kuvassa punaiset ja siniset teekkarihaalarit.
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