Give for the future

Heartfelt thanks to all Kauppis 110 supporters!

The School of Business has ambitious growth goals, our alumni and friends of Kauppis are involved, as donors, in making it possible to achieve these goals.
Timo Korkeamäki, new dean of the School of Business
Timo Korkeamäki

‘Last year, Aalto University School of Business celebrated its 110th anniversary! In honour of the anniversary year, the school launched a donation campaign. One of its aims was to ensure that the education of future kylteri (business school student) generations continues without compromising on high quality of education and research. The campaign exceeded all expectations. It inspired more than 200 alumni and friends of Kauppis to donate, and we received nearly 30 percent more donations than in the previous campaign a few years ago. I am particularly happy to see that our loyal supporter group has grown with new generations and first-time donors. 

Imagine, we have been educating School of Business students since 1911! While our school has ambitious growth goals, we are not compromising its high quality in any way. I am humbled and grateful that our alumni and friends of Kauppis are involved, as donors, in making it possible to achieve these goals. It has also been heart-warming to read all the messages and greetings sent by our alumni. In these, they share how grateful they are for the years spent at the School of Business, and how that time created such a solid foundation for a good life and great career. Our heartfelt thanks to all donors! Every donation matters, whatever the amount!’

Timo Korkeamäki, Dean, Aalto University School of Business

Opiskelijoita Kauppakorkeakoululla. Kuva: Aalto-yliopisto / Unto Rautio

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