Give for the future

Let's build our future today

Join us in inviting children and youth to test their ideas and encouraging them to trust their potential. By donating to Aalto University Junior, you support children and youth's curiosity, joy of learning and the discovery of new interests. Science and creativity as our tools, together we make strides towards more sustainable future for all of us.
Girl sitting on a tree with a magnifying glass
A donation to Aalto University Junior is an investment into future

Curiosity is a superpower

Major challenges loom over today's and tomorrow's world. For children, the current world situation and news about it can be distressing. We want to teach children how to process and interpret the information, think in solution-focused ways and build self-confidence. 

In a constantly changing world, the old problem-solving models no longer work as solutions. We need new ways of seeing things. Junior helps children grow up to be inquisitive thinkers, goal-driven doers, and multidisciplinary open-minded experts.

Curiosity and confidence in one’s own problem-solving abilities are crucial qualities for those of the next generation in building a sustainable future.

Curiosity without borders can achieve just about anything!

A young girl wearing a lab coat and looking to the future

The brave makers of tomorrow

Aalto University Junior was established with the aim of helping create the kind of future society in which children and young people can find fulfilment and be emboldened to take action.

We want to guarantee young people the chance to find their own fields where they have opportunities to feel the thrill of success. Having positive experiences and being informed about the alternatives at an early age are important when making choices about the future. Tomorrow is made today.

Junior inspires and motivates tomorrow’s doers in the fields of art, science technology and business. 

Junior is a home for nurturing courage and curiosity.

An array of activities for all

We offer children and young people of diverse backgrounds the chance to experience in new ways the meaning of art and science and how they can study in these fields. Through the power of example and by making their opportunities visible, we educate about how they can pursue whatever field they aspire to, regardless of gender, background or special talent.

The content of Junior revolves around Aalto’s own research specialties. Children and young people can get to know about sustainable energy solutions, art and design in a diverse world, the health and well-being fields, information and communication technology, diversity of materials and sustainable use of natural resources, the dynamics of global business life, and building a human-centric living environment.

Aalto University Junior inspires and motivates the makers of tomorrow by

  • Arranging engaging activities for children in art, science, technology and business through camps, clubs and family events
  • Helping secondary and upper secondary school students to delve deeper into the worlds of art and science through events, lectures, courses and camps. Young people can also meet specialists who are at the top of their field as well as other science and art enthusiasts.
  • Supporting teachers by organising school visits, workshops, training sessions and other services to assist with their daily school work.
A young boy wearing a lab coat in the chem lab

Let's build our future today

Join the support team for the experts and specialists of tomorrow!

By donating to Aalto University Junior, you support:

  1. The makers of tomorrow by inspiring them in the fields of art, science, technology, and business
  2. Children and young people of diverse backgrounds by encouraging them to enter the fields of art and science
  3. Expanding our activities to reach more children and young adults in the future.
Aalto Junior - a little girl wearing a lab coat

Aalto University Junior

By donating to Aalto University Junior, you will help create a world where children and young adults are aware of their true potential and filled with hope and courage to solve the greatest challenges of tomorrow.

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Looking for more information, or considering a larger donation?

Helena Salminen of Aalto Donor Engagement will gladly talk with you about anything concerning Aalto Junior. Please be in touch with Helena if you have any questions or if you are considering a donation of 10 000 euros or more.

 Helena Salminen

Helena Salminen

Donor Engagement

What your donation could enable

Take a look at what is going on at Junior! Do science at home with these easy and fun experiments and read on a few selected highlights of Junior's activities.

Try at home

You may find try at home worksheet in Finnish and Swedish.

Kuvakollaasi kotona toteutettavista tiedetöistä, kuten muovailuvahasta, origameista, valomaalauksesta ja katapultista

Aalto University Junior reached 28 000 children and young people in 2022

Thousands of lines of code, hundreds of metres of hot glue and innumerous questions! Aalto University Junior has insprired children and young people to question and explore for five years now.

Aalto junior students

Pupils designed logos at Aalto University Junior workshop

Herttoniemenranta's fifth-graders unleashed their creativity

Logo, Aalto-yliopisto Juniorin kokoelma

Inspiring students teach Aalto University Junior workshops as experts in their fields

Junior offers children and young people a peek at Aalto University’s offerings. Read more about the activities and how you can donate to support the education of future professionals

Aalto-yliopisto Juniorin opiskelijaohjaaja

Aalto University Junior

Aalto University Junior is art, science, technology and entrepreneurship for children, young people and teachers - to support teaching, personal joy and a source of enthusiasm.

Read more about Aalto Junior
Aalto Junior logo
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