Grants and awards

Department of Art and Media grants

The Department of Art and Media has made provisions for grants for its registered and active BA and MA students towards costs of traveling and costs incurred in artistic and creative practices consistent with the aims and goals of the Department and undertaken as part of students’ studies.

For travel grants priority is given to enable participation in significant international and national artistic events, conferences and forums. Grants may be applied for by bachelor and master students and teams of students from the Department of Art and Media. Travel grants may cover only costs of travel and accommodation, as well as event registration fees. Daily subsistence allowances are not provided.

Production grants are intended mainly for expenses such as production materials and exhibition/performance expenses. Production grants cannot be used for paying wages or salary for the student’s own work. Production grants may, however, be used to pay for services from companies. Standard working equipment, such as laptops, cannot be covered. Please note that our production grants may be used for costs related to the production of the artistic component of a thesis, but may not be used for thesis printing or publication costs, nor for any related activities normally covered by study program/course budgets.

IMPORTANT: Starting in 2023 the Department of Art and Media has allocated six separate annual budgets for doctoral candidates based on the DA research fields in the Department. DA students are instructed to apply for funding via email directly from the professors responsible for these budgets. DA students can only apply for the Department of Art and Media grant if the annual budget for their research area has already been used.

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