International students

Information on Aalto Mikkeli Campus

On this page you can find the information for exchange students on Aalto Mikkeli Campus processes related to the application, studies and accommodation.

Welcome to Aalto Mikkeli!

Dear Exchange Student,

We warmly welcome you to join the Bachelor’s Programme in International Business (BScBA Programme) of the Aalto University School of Business in Mikkeli. From this page, you can find information to help you to enjoy your stay in Finland and Mikkeli as much as possible.

The Aalto University School of Business, Mikkeli Campus offers exchange students an excellent opportunity to study in an international environment. Mikkeli Campus has a wide network of partner universities all over the world and as an active exchange partner with our partners, Mikkeli Campus receives about 60-70 exchange students from abroad each year to study in the BScBA Programme. These international students make valuable contributions to the dynamic international programme in Mikkeli.

We look forward to meeting you soon!


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