International students

Studies at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture for exchange students

Theory meets practice at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture. Our school focuses on learning by means of practical assignments and projects.

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Studies and Courses

In your Study Plan / Learning Agreement you are required to choose the courses you would like to take during your exchange. This is a preliminary plan, as the final registration to courses takes place right before the start of studies. Therefore you might have to change your study plan once you will start your studies and get more information on the current course availability. Most of our courses lectured in English are on Master level. On Bachelor level the courses in English are very limited. They are mainly available in the Bachelor's Programme in Design. Please note that you can only apply to this programme if it is included in the agreement with your home university. 

You should primarily choose courses provived by the major/programme you are applying for. Each nominated student will be sent a specific course list. In addition to these courses, there are some other options available (see below). When planning your studies, note that the teaching periods I and II are during the autumn term, and the teaching periods III, IV and V during the spring term. Full workload for Aalto students during an academic year is 60 ECTS. Check with your home university how many credits they require you to complete during your exchange. *

The general information of every major/programme is available at Academic catalogues 2024-2026. You can see further information on each course in Sisu and you can browse the courses without logging in. Please note you will need to be prepared to make changes to your preliminary study plan, as the courses are subject to available places, due to limited or prioritized admission. 

General Art Studies

Exchange students who have been accepted to the School of Arts, Design and Architecture may choose general art and theory courses offered by the Transdisclipinary Arts Studies (TAITE). Please note that they are very popular and have limited intake, and the places for these courses are drawn. You can plan to take any of them, but you may not be able to get a place in the course you would like to take. 

Courses from other majors

Exchange students should select courses of the major they have been accepted to. Taking courses from other majors or departments is sometimes possible. However, this always needs to be discussed with the study coordinators of both programmes first and needs to be confirmed by the teacher.

University Wide Studies

Exchange students may choose courses in the selection of University Wide Studies that provide a multidisciplinary perspective on a form of studying where engineering and art can meet business and management. 

Language courses

Finnish courses for exchange students and other language courses are organized by the Language Centre.

Department specific information

Department of Architecture

Exchange students at the Department of Architecture will be informed in detail about all study options available during the Studio Info Sessions, where all available studio courses will be introduced, taking place at the beginning of each term. Exchange students can participate in 1 studio course / term.

Application for the studio course is possible after the studio presentations. In addition to this, students may select other courses in the field of Architecture.

Studies for incoming exchange students
How to apply for exchange studies?

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