Kide – Wood Program

About us

We are a group of 17 architects who have come to Finland from 9 different countries, bringing together a diverse set of backgrounds and experiences to realise the Wood Program project of 2023-24. We are working with an expert group of teachers and specialists, including structural engineers from Aalto University's School of Engineering.
Group photo of Wood Program 2023-2024
Wood Program 2023-24


Ayato Hokkyo
Daniël Sars
Darya Belaya
Dimitris Kalogridis
Ishrat Tabassum
Johanna Saarela
Juri Kikuchi
Keitaro Tsubata
Kota Kawakami
Matej Požega
Meina Kobayashi
Nao Fujimoto
Olle Björkebaum
Simón Herrera Arévalo
Ville Mujunen
Wakana Ito
Yume Suzuki


Pekka Heikkinen
Laura Zubillaga
Jaakko Torvinen
Dario Vidal

Structural team

Mauri Konttila
Ghada Al-Adulrazzaq
Jakub Sołtysiński

Workshop support

Jari Simanainen
Topi Falkenberg
Joshua Krute
Moritz Schineis
Petteri Varmola

World map showing countries of origin of wood program students
Home countries of Wood Program 2023-24

Wood Program

The Wood Program is a one-year program of study that focuses on wood architecture and industrial building. The program is intended for architects, engineers and other students with a background in design and strong interest in timber construction.

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Architect doing handson work at the Wood Program of Aalto University. Photo by Anne Kinnunen
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