Management of School of Chemical Engineering

Academic Committee

Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering, members, meeting schedule and materials
Aalto Univeristy students studying / photo: Unto Rautio

The School Academic Affairs Committee shall, in addition to other duties assigned by the Academic Affairs Committee and the Director of the School, make proposals on:

  • School-specific curriculum,
  • School-specific degree requirements,
  • School-specific admission requirements,
  • other matters relating to academic activities,
  • other duties assigned by the Dean directing the School, and
  • decide on the arrangements for the conferral of degrees and the conferral of the title of Honorary Doctor.

The School Academic Affairs Committee can, by its own decision, delegate authority in the above-mentioned duties to other bodies elected in accordance with the Section 27 of the Universities Act.

In addition, the Academic Affairs Committee is responsible for implementing the [Aalto University] strategy in cooperation with the other Schools of Aalto University. Furthermore the technical schools cooperate in order to manage the technical and scientific teaching, research and common assignments as well as to ensure the consistent treatment of students.

Members (from 1.1.2022 onwards)

  Member 1. deputy 2. deputy
Professors Francesco Corona Rodrigo Serna Daniel Lindberg
  Paula Jouhten Silvan Scheller Luana Dessbesell
  Antti Karttunen Tanja Kallio Jaana Vapaavuori
  Riikka Puurunen Marjatta Louhi-Kultanen Eero Kontturi
  Ali Tehrani Lasse Murtomäki Mark Hughes
Staff Fevzihan Basarir Eeva-Leena Rautama Juha Linnekoski
  Anna Klemettinen Anja Hänninen Golam Sarwar
  Juan Jose Valle Delgado Kyösti Ruuttunen Heli Viskari


(for 2025, student members appointed yearly)

Elmo Eskelinen Konsta Laajalehto  
  Henna Liljanko  Santeri Kämäräinen  
  Ronja Korhonen Esko Rae  

For more information, please contact the Committee Secretary Heidi Flinkman or Presenting Official Anni Rintala.

Rules of Procedure of Academic Committee for Chemical Engineering (confirmed in 2022) / Kemian tekniikan akateemisen komitean työjärjestys (vahvistettu v. 2022)

Meetings 2025

Meeting materials can be found below. Materials will be updated according to the meeting schedule. 

Note! Minutes can also be found from SAHA archives (if necessary, browse by organization (CHEM) and by item group (CHEM Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea)). 

1/2025 4.2.2025 13:00-16:00
2/2025 1.4.2025 13:00-16:00
3/2025 27.5.2025 13:00-16:00
4/2025 10.6.2025 15:00-16:00
5/2025 tba
6/2025 tba
7/2025 tba

Meetings 2024

Meeting materials can be found below. Materials will be updated according to the meeting schedule. 

Note! Minutes can also be found from SAHA archives (if necessary, browse by organization (CHEM) and by item group (CHEM Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea)). 

1/2024 6.2.2024, 12:00-15:00
2/2024 26.3.2024, 13:00-16:00
3/2024 28.5.2024, 13:00-16:00
4/2024 11.6.2024, 15:00-16:00
5/2024 24.9.2024, 13:00-16:00
6/2024 12.11.2024, 13:00-16:00
7/2024 17.12.2024, 13:00-16:00

Meetings 2023

Meeting materials can be found below. Materials will be updated according to the meeting schedule.

1/2023 14.2.2023, 13:00-16:00
2/2023 4.4.2023, 13:00-16:00
3/2023 23.5.2023, 13:00-16:00
4/2023 13.6.2023, 15:00-16:00
5/2023 19.9.2023, 13:00-16:00
6/2023 24.10.2023, 13:00-16:00
7/2023 19.12.2022, 13:00-16:00

Meetings 2022

Meeting materials can be found below. Materials will be updated according to the meeting schedule.

1/2022: 1.2.2022, 13:00-16:00
2/2022: 22.3.2022, 13:00-16:00
3/2022: 24.5.2022, 13:00-16:00
4/2022: 14.6.2022, 15:00-16:00
5/2022: 20.9.2022, 13:00-16:00
6/2022: 25.10.2022, 13:00-16:00
7/2022: 29.11.2022, 13:00-16:00

Meetings 2021

Meeting materials can be found below. Materials will be updated according to the meeting schedule.

1/2021: 9.2.2021
2/2021: 30.3.2021
3/2021: 25.5.2021
4/2021: 15.6.2021
5/2021: 21.9.2021
6/2021: 26.10.2021
7/2021: 7.12.2021

Meetings 2020

Meeting materials can be found below. Materials will be updated according to the meeting schedule.

1/2020: 11.2.2020
2/2020: 24.3.2020
3/2020: 26.5.2020
4/2020: 16.6.2020
5/2020: 22.9.2020
6/2020: 3.11.2020 PERUTTU / CANCELLED
7/2020: 1.12.2020

Meetings 2019

Meeting materials can be found below. Materials will be updated according to the meeting schedule.

1/2019:     12.2.2019
2/2019:     2.4.2019
3/2019:     21.5.2019
4/2019:     18.6.2019
5/2019:     17.9.2019
6/2019:     29.10.2019
7/2019:     26.11.2019

Meetings 2018

Meeting materials can be found below. Materials will be updated according to the meeting schedule.

  • Published:
  • Updated: