Management of School of Electrical Engineering

Management Team

School of Electrical Engineering Management Team
Communication and networking, kuvaaja Unto Rautio

The management team of the School of Electrical Engineering include the Dean, Vice Deans, Heads of Departments, the School’s Service Managers and Dean´s Assistant. The management team discusses operative matters and prepares issues for decision making.

  • Jussi Ryynänen - Dean, chair
  • Vesa Välimäki – Vice Dean responsible for research
  • Petri Mähönen - Vice Dean responsible for impact
  • Anouar Belahcen – Vice Dean responsible for education
  • Tapio Lokki – Head of Department of lnformation and Communications Engineering
  • Jorma Kyyrä – Head of Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation
  • Ville Viikari - Head of Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering
  • Outi Elina Kansanen – Development Manager
  • Petri Hyvönen – Technology Manager
  • Perttu Puska – Head of Student Affairs
  • Hanne Puskala – Human Resources Manager
  • Lotta Timonen - Finance Manager
  • Harriet Jehkonen - Executive Assistant, meeting´s secretary

To the School of Electrical Engineering Management Team´s Annual Review and University Review meetings and Development Day meetings will participate also:

  • Joni Tammi – Director of the Metsähovi Radio Observatory
  • Niina Norjamäki – Communications Manager
  • Dmitri Chicherin – Senior Research Liaison Officer

ELEC Management Team meetings 2024:

ELEC MT: 22.1., 12.2., 11.3., 15.4., 13.5., 10.6., 12.8., 16.9., 21.10., 18.11., 16.12.
ELEC MT Annual Review: 12.2.
ELEC MT Dialogue Workshop: 15.4. (at 9-12)

Meetings will be held on Mondays at 10-12. More details can be asked from Dean´s assistant Harriet Jehkonen, [email protected].


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