News and events

*intent*: practice, research and togetherness - ViCCA graduates festival

Recent ViCCA graduates welcome you to *intent*: practice, research and togetherness, 31 August - 1 September 2024, a festival showcasing artistic and curatorial research through a multi-disciplinary programme under a pavilion tent on the green lawns of HIAP Helsinki International Artist Program, Suomenlinna.
The event is supported by HIAP – Helsinki International Artist Programme.
*intent*: practice, research and togetherness - Visual identity by Veera Kortelainen
*intent*: practice, research and togetherness - Visual identity by Veera Kortelainen

31 August - 1 September 2024 

HIAP Galleria Augusta and grassfield, Suomenlinna B 28, 00190 Helsinki.

You are warmly welcome to *intent*: practice, research and togetherness, a research festival initiated by recent graduates from the masters major Visual Cultures, Curating and Contemporary Art (ViCCA), Department of Art and Media, at Aalto University. 

*intent* showcases the artistic and curatorial research of twenty students. The graduates' work is curated through different formats of research and practice: a multi-disciplinary programme of talks, performances and film screenings, a showcase of printed matter, and an opening with live music and food. 

The pavilion that hosts the festival is designed into thematic areas which are defined organically by a commissioned textile piece by Eve Hamari. The open space offers the audience and participants a chance to share knowledge while immersing themselves in the nature and beautiful landscape of the island. 

We have initiated *intent* to connect the academia and the local audiences, and to foster exchange within the art scene based in Finland. The title of the festival, while being a play on words alluding to the large tent under which the event is hosted, highlights the intentionality reflected in the practices and research of the ViCCA community and behind the creation of the event itself. Intent is intrinsic to the students’ work, who share their thesis-related practice and the culmination of their research in this new outlet for the exchange of ideas and insights. We hope that the festival may inspire similar initiatives for the collaboration between programmes, disciplines, and practices.

PROGRAMME - Free and open to all

Saturday August 31st 2024

13:30 - 21:00

Location: Pavilion tent (outdoors)

13:30 Opening and welcome speech

14.00 - 14.45 Julia Fidder

Dear Society,: A taste of phenology and the sorrow of seasonal shifts 

14.50 - 15.10 Myriam Gras 

Rendering Narratives: futures freeze or fluidity 

15.15 - 15.45 Aska Mayer 

The Neo-Baroque Crisis: Reflections of the Apocalyptic from Baroque Art to Digital Games

16.15 - 16.45 Aino Kostiainen

Agency at work? Investigating impact of art in society through the proposal Eternal Employment by Goldin+Senneby 

16.50 - 17.20 Tiina Majabacka

The Sound Memory of the Ruf 

17.25 - 17.55 Elisa Villota Sadaba

Fallow Fields: Proyectos Artísticos in Spanish Rural Territories

Location: Galleria Augusta, HIAP

18.15 - 19.40 Short films screening by 

Heini Heikkilä, Müge Yildiz, Cyane Findji, Leena Reittu, Kirsi-Marja Möberg, Tiina Majabacka

Location: Pavilion tent (outdoors)

19.45 - 20.15 Timjune Singing, music performance

20.20 - 20.50 Romance Relic, music performance

*After the event, we invite you to continue to DRIFTS Festival in Levyhalli, Suomenlinna.

Sunday September 1st 2024

12:30 - 19:00

Location: Pavilion tent (outdoors)

12:30 - 14:00 Alumni Picnic & Live silkscreen printing by Groovink

14.00 - 14.15 Clément Beraud 

Mutatis Mutandis: New visual perspectives about Finnish landscape

14.20 - 15.05 Micol Curatolo 

Here, Not. Dialogues on art and the making of here

15.10 - 15.30 Uni Nissinen and Maikki Siuko

Earthbound Lovers 

15.35 - 16.05 Emmi Pennanen 

Excluded Middle

16.05 - 16.30 Break & Live silkscreen printing by Groovink

16.35 - 16.50 Genietta Varsi 

Sculptouching, Fabricaction and Porousibilities 

16.55 - 17.25 Eline Gaudé 

Bryological Tales: An Apprenticeship with Moss and Time

17.30 - 18.15 Cyane Findji


18.20 - 19.00 Thanks & Live silkscreen printing by Groovink

After the festival, *intent* will continue in different formats. A selection of our publications will feature at Under the Leaf Book Fair, organised by DRIFTS Festival and The Temporary Bookshelf at Taidekoulu Maa on September 7th and 8th. The publications will travel to Tilburg, the Netherlands, for the 5th edition of Wobby Wonderland at the MURF/MURW Festival, on September 29th. We have also initiated a network for the programme’s alumni, to create continuity between current and previous students.

We would like to thank for their support, Ville Ojajärvi for the tent, Eve Hamari for the textile, Veera Kortelainen for the visual identity, Groovink for the live printing, Laura Törnroos and Aalto Takeout for the technical equipment, Laitilan Wirvoitusjuomatehdas for keeping us refreshed, Aalto University for funding the production, Bassam El Baroni, Patrizia Costantin and the ViCCA teaching staff for supporting the development of the event, Romance Relic and Timjune for their performances, and everyone who has worked to bring the festival to life.

For latest updates, please check @aaltovicca on Instagram.

The event is supported by HIAP – Helsinki International Artist Programme.


Accessibility information from HIAP website:
Accessing part of the HIAP studios, office, Gallery Augusta & Project Space by wheelchair is possible but we recommend to be accompanied by a person assisting because the entrance doors are not step-free. The HIAP toilets are not wheelchair-accessible but you can find accessible toilets on five different locations on the island indicated on this map. The closest one to the HIAP Studios is located in the Summer Theatre (building nr 36 on the Suomenlinna visitors’ map). We are happy to help you plan your visit. Please contact us for additional information!

A map indicating more accessible routes on the island can be found here. Please note that no signposts designate the accessible route in the terrain.

Find more information about accessibility on Suomenlinna here. If you prefer to follow a more accessible route towards the HIAP studios upon your arrival, please let us know.

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