
A ground-breaking result from the Event Horizon Telescope presented 10 April

The conference will be streamed online also on Aalto's webpage.
This image contains a collage of ESO’s telescopes at various sites in Chile.

The European Commission, the European Research Council and the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) project will hold a press conference to present a ground-breaking result from the EHT on 10 April 2019 at 15:00 CEST. The event will be introduced by European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas, and will feature presentations by the researchers behind this result. The Event Horizon Telescope is an international collaboration aiming to capture the first image of a black hole by creating a virtual Earth-sized telescope.

Six press conferences will be held simultaneously around the globe in Belgium (Brussels, English), Chile (Santiago, Spanish), Shanghai (Mandarin), Japan (Tokyo, Japanese), Taipei (Mandarin), and USA (Washington, D.C., English).

The conference will be streamed online.

Academy Research Fellow Tuomas Savolainen of Aalto University Metsähovi Radio Observatory contributed to the project. Requests to interview him, please contact Aalto University's communications, Riikka Hopiavaara (tel. + 358 50 384 1772, [email protected])

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Photo: Tima Miroschnichenko, Pexels.
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