
A! Walk-Wild edibles

Spring is here, plants are starting to grow and bloom. The first walk of 'A! walk' started with meeting those newborn plants...

Wild edibles in Aalto


    Ground Elder (Vuohenputki)

    Description: Ground Elder is a perennial plant often found in gardens, woodlands, and along paths. It grows up to 100 cm tall with triangular, toothed leaves that are grouped in sets of three. The plant produces small white flowers arranged in umbrella-shaped clusters (umbels) typically blooming from May to July.

    aalto compus

    Nettle (Nokkonen)

    Description: Nettle is a perennial plant commonly found in a variety of habitats, including forests, fields, and disturbed areas. It can grow up to 150 cm tall and has dark green, serrated leaves covered with fine stinging hairs. The plant produces small, greenish flowers that form drooping clusters.

    Dandelion (Voikukka),aalto

    Dandelion (Voikukka)

    Description: Dandelion is a perennial herb that can grow up to 30 cm tall. It has deeply toothed, lance-shaped leaves that form a rosette at the base of the plant. The bright yellow flowers bloom from early spring to autumn and are followed by spherical seed heads with white, fluffy seeds.

    Fireweed / Resobay willoherb (Maitohorsma)

    Fireweed / Resobay willoherb (Maitohorsma)

    Description: Fireweed is a perennial herbaceous plant that can grow up to 150 cm tall. It has narrow, lance-shaped leaves and tall spikes of pink to purple flowers that bloom from June to August. The flowers are arranged in long, showy clusters that can be easily spotted in meadows and along roadsides.

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