
Aalto Talent Expo Fair was a success

‘Now I have to say well done Aalto! The best fair for a long time, amazing students!’
Aalto Talent Expo 2019. Kuva: Rasmus Karppinen
Photo: Aalto University / Rasmus Karppinen

The first ever recruitment fair aimed at all Aalto University students filled Otahalli at the end of October, when 4,000 Aalto students and 140 employers met at the Aalto Talent Expo.

The event itself was unique, as for the first time in Aalto University's history the fair was aimed at all Aalto University students, whatever their field of study.

‘We are very happy that both students and employers was so receptive to the new fair and that the feedback was positive and constructive,’ said Annemari Rautio, who headed up the team organising the event.

New opportunities for targeted advance marketing

Aalto Talent Expo also piloted for the first time in the fair’s history a new kind of online application which enabled employers and students to meet even before the actual event. With the JobTeaser web app, exhibitors were able to target their marketing to the desired groups of students, and students selected meetings with employers who they knew were interested in them.

‘According to the feedback received from employers, JobTeaser proved to be effective and functioned well, so that we will most likely continue to use it next year, while also making a few small improvements,’ Rautio reveals.

‘It is great that we were able to publish in advance information in JobTeaser about our participation on the event. Many had already read through this information before coming to the fair,’ summarised one employer.

School of Business partner companies well represented at the fair

Each School of Business partner company was represented at Aalto Talent Expo. Many were going to start receiving applications for trainee programmes at the beginning of next year, while others said they had come to start recruiting summer workers already.

It was also good to note that this year more jobs were offered than in previous years. At the stands of Finavia and K Group, for example, the students were able to discuss the routes through which a final assignment would be possible.

Another significant feature was the stands’ strong emphasis on the employers’ values. Of the School of Business partner companies, Alma Media was one of those which said that it had introduced the Tunto service, which supports well-being at work. Elisa, on the other hand, stressed the importance of location-independent work. ‘At Elisa, each employee does an average of 72 hours of remote work per year,’ said Emilie Sohlström from Elisa’s HR team.

‘A very well-organised fair! From our company's point of view at least, it worked well that there was a joint fair for all the Aalto schools this year – we were able to simultaneously reach students from both the School of Business and the School of Engineering, which are both important target groups for us. There were plenty of students at the stand throughout the day, and the conversations were enjoyable. It was nice to note that the students were genuinely interested in the exhibitors and had prepared to really engage with them. Thank you once again to all the organisers!’

More information: Aalto Talent Expo

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