
ABB Finland donates €400 000 to Aalto University

ABB’s global CTO Bazmi Husain visited Aalto and published the donation.

ABB Finland donates €400 000 to the field of science and technology at Aalto University. The donation was published when Bazmi Husain, ABB’s global CTO, visited Aalto University on 16 February 2016.

Husain familiarised himself with the operation of Aalto University and met the university’s top management and professors. He also heard about the new teaching methods at Design Factory and about the operation of the student-led Aalto Entrepreneurship Society.

– Historically, the collaboration between ABB and universities has been strong. Universities are going to play a strong role in our technology development also in the future, says Husain. 

Husain was pleased with his visit at Aalto.

– I look forward to our collaboration. Only good things can come from multidisclipinarity, he continues.

– ABB Finland and the universities that founded Aalto University have collaborated intensively for decades now. I would like to express my warmest thanks to our partner for this important donation, says President Tuula Teeri.

ABB Finland donated a total of one million euros to Finnish universities. In addition to Aalto University, a donation was also given to Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) and Tampere University of Technology as well as to the University of Vaasa.

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