
Access control as a part of university strategy - summary of info sharing session with recording

Info sharing session about the new access control policy was held on 25th August. Please find below summary about the session with recording (duration about 1 hour, visible only for registered users).
Otakaari 1 käsijohde

Aalto University is renewing its access control policy and redesigning access control processes where user-centricity and increased automation levels are considered critical. New access control policy provides better support for how Aalto University facilities can be securely used by faculty, staff, students and external people. The new system shall also enhance the level of overall physical security of Aalto University premises. 

In line with changing the policy, access token readers and also tokens in every building on the campus will be changed. Read more about your own building's schedule and picking up the tokens. This change affects everyone, who has an access token for university building in Otaniemi.

Main updates for the access control policy are

  • A simple unified structure for access zones across the campus
  • A transparent access policy based on trust and responsibility.
  • Wider access to common areas taking into account the different roles and needs of personnel, students, visitors and the general public.

The greatest benefits of this projects are wider possibilities to use Campus premises, Possibility for increased level of co-operation across schools and service-units due to removal of physical barriers and to develop user experience more smoothier (e.g. mobile access in the future). Also there are less need for back-office resources.

All information, guides, schedule, FAQ and updates of this project will be found in

Please find below presentations and recording of the access control info sharing session. Attachments are visible only for registered user.

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