
Almost 250 alumni participated in a get-together in Seoul

The alumni event was organised jointly by the Seoul School of Integrated Sciences & Technologies (aSSIST) and Aalto University.
Aalto EMBA -alumnit kokoontuivat Soulissa.
Dekaani Björkman ja 250 Aalto EMBA -alumnia
The Dean of the School of Business Ingmar Björkman brought up the active student exchange between Aalto University and South Korean universities.

The Executive MBA programme has been run in Seoul since 1995 in collaboration between aSSIST and Aalto University Executive Education (and its predecessor in the Helsinki School of Economics). There are now almost 4,000 EMBA alumni in South Korea. The event offered these members of the Aalto alumni community an opportunity to hear the latest developments of Aalto University and a keynote address about 5G and 6G, as well as make new connections.

The event at the Grand Ambassador hotel in Seoul kicked off with a buffet dinner, allowing the alumni to mingle, reconnect with old friends and meet new acquaintances. The welcoming address to start the program of the evening was given by President Tae-Hyun Kim from aSSIST, followed by a congratulatory address by the Ambassador of Finland, Eero Suominen.

The Dean of the School of Business Ingmar Björkman highlighted, among other developments, how well the university as well as Aalto EE are doing in different global rankings. He also brought up the active student exchange between South Korean universities and the different fields of study at Aalto, with almost 30 students per year undertaking an exchange in either direction.

The Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering Jyri Hämäläinen gave a keynote speech on ”Towards 5G: How many G can we handle?”, a topic which was of great interest to the audience. He explained the evolution of mobile technologies through the different generations of mobile technology. He focused on the expectations for, and opportunities provided by 5G, but also looked forward to what a possible 6G may entail.

The speech was followed by a delightful violin and grand piano mini concert performed by Professors Won-jin Song and Se-jin Song from aSSIST, after which the floor was given to alumni commemorating the outgoing and incoming Alumni Presidents of the Aalto EMBA programme in South Korea. Alumni representing different industries also shared their greetings.

In his closing remarks, Vice President Yong-joo Choi from aSSIST displayed several photos from his latest visit to Aalto University and reminisced the times when he was studying at the Helsinki School of Economics, conveying the deep connection that the EMBA alumni have with Aalto EE, the School of Business and the University.

“The event was perfectly organised and the atmosphere was really positive. The evening was a great occasion to both meet old friends and to create new relationships. I am convinced that the alumni had a great time”, Dean Björkman summed up the event as he thanked aSSIST for all the arrangements.

“Your visit to Korea has great significance. I think it was a great opportunity for graduates to be proud of being Aalto alumni”, President Kim responded. 

Alumni events all over the world

The alumni event in Seoul followed Dean Björkman’s similar gatherings held in Palo Alto (on November 5th), New York (in spring 2018 and 2016), London (2017 and 2015), Stockholm, the Stanford University campus, and Moscow. The purpose of these events is to create an Aalto alumni community also outside of Finland.

There are already over 40 000 alumni from over 80 countries in the Aalto University alumni network. You can join the network free of charge at:

Further information:
Jonna Söderholm, Head of External Relations, School of Business
[email protected]

Aalto EMBA -alumnit yhteispotretissa Soulissa
Aalto EMBA alumni belong to the Aalto alumni community of over 40 000 alumni from over 80 countries.
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