During her master's degree studies, alumna Kiia Einola particularly enjoyed the practical courses and the sense of community at Aalto University.
Why did you choose the Master's Programme in Automation and Electrical Engineering?
I chose the programme because this major made it possible to combine studies in electrical engineering, lighting technologies and the energy sector. The courses in the programme also seemed to offer a nice challenge and felt relevant to working life, which they were.
What was the best part of your studies?
The best thing about the master's degree studies was that the matters we learned about are relevant to working life. Although many of the courses were difficult, I was motivated to carry on because they felt highly practical. What motivated me even more was the fact that I could select most of the courses myself.
What aspects of your studies have been particularly useful for working life?
It is quite a cliché, but the key skill I learned during my studies was the ability to learn new things. The master's degree studies developed my skills in how to retrieve and apply information, as, at that point, there were no more direct answers to many of the issues addressed. The studies also included a lot of projects through which I learned to work with experts from different fields.
What was the best part of student life?
The best parts of student life were the communal spirit and new friends. The topmost thing the studies at Aalto University provided me with is a wonderful group of friends.
Where are you working now? How did you end up in your current job?
I am working as a doctoral student in the smart building technologies and services research group. My doctoral thesis will focus on lighting control. I ended up in my job when I tested my luck and sent an email to the professor leading the team. The idea of doing postgraduate studies had actually matured in my mind throughout the master's programme, and working on the master's thesis confirmed that writing suited me.
What tips would you give to those starting their master's studies?
The contact teaching studies that will hopefully begin in the autumn make it possible to get to know other students. During the remote studies period, I learned that doing exercises entirely on your own is time-consuming and difficult. You should, therefore, share the burden with others and not hesitate to ask for help.