My name is Daniel Cohen and last September I changed my life and moved from Finland to New York to work at the Consulate General of Finland as a Special Adviser. In this role, I help Finnish companies understand the U.S. market and expand here by connecting them to the right people.
What and when did you study at Aalto University School of Business?
In 2015 I started at the Bachelor’s Programme in International Business in Mikkeli as an open university student and then full-time in 2016 continuing where I left off. I did my Bachelor's exchange in St Gallen, Switzerland, and then continued straight to my Master’s exchange in Rotterdam, Netherlands. The latter was a part of my CEMS Master’s studies alongside my Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management studies at Otaniemi main campus.
Why did you want to study business and what made you apply to the School of Business Mikkeli Campus?
I knew I wanted to study in English as I grew up in a bilingual household and studied in English in high school. I also knew I wanted to study business because it was a good basis for understanding how the world works. I knew Aalto Mikkeli was a top programme, so I wanted to aim high and apply there.
How has your career path been?
As with many others, my career path has not been straight-forward. I did what I wanted to do – try things out before settling in if settling in at all.
I started by working at a gaming start-up doing a little bit of everything. Then to the other extreme by interning at the Embassy of Finland in Washington DC in the economics team. From there I continued to Berlin for some business development experience in tech followed by internal management consultant for Visma.
On the side I started thinking about how it would be interesting starting my own thing at some point so during my time at Visma, on the weekends I would freelance helping Finnish companies strategize entry or expansion into the U.S market. So, my advice, try things and see what clicks and what doesn’t.
How did you end up in your current position and what kind of work assignments and responsibilities do you have?
I think it helped that I had interned for the government in the past in a similar position, just more junior. I also do similar work in a freelance basis so having that experience was beneficial. I also have dual citizenship so it was easy for me to quickly accept the position knowing that I would want to stay in the U.S. anyway.
In my role I help connect Finnish companies to the contacts they need in the U.S. through events, 1-1 or small group meetings. To do this, I need to understand what is happening in specific industries with an emphasis on the sustainability theme. I also help organize official delegation meetings and programme for government officials as well as research and report on industry developments.