
Change to the National Repository Library's article deliveries

Due to copyright law, starting 1 September 2021 the Repository Library will no longer send electronic copies of articles to users; all copies are sent in print form by the library services.
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The National Repository Library is a joint repository for books and journals for all Finnish libraries, from where Aalto University students and staff can order books and article copies.

Negotiations between the National Repository Library and copyright organization Kopiosto have outlined that copies of articles cannot be delivered to end users in electronic format due to copyright law. From the 1st of September all articles will be delivered on paper form through library services.

More information about interlibrary loan service and a link to the order form

Negotiations with Kopiosto will continue

In autumn 2021, the National Repository Library will launch a project aimed at streamlining the interlibrary loan process for the NRL’s material. At the same time, negotiations with Kopiosto will continue. The aim is to create a copyright license that would allow the National Repository Library to legally forward a scanned article directly to the end user.

Further information: [email protected]

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