
Cryocourse 2023

Cryocourse 2023 is an international school on cryogenics, microwave measurements, and low-temperature engineering for quantum technology. The event is aimed at young researchers at the graduate and postdoctoral level, offering training by the most knowledgeable and distinguished scientists in the field. The course has been organised since 2002 in various locations, and Aalto University has served as the venue four times.

In 2023 the course returns to Aalto. Cryocourse 2023 takes place on May 18-26, in Nuuksio, Espoo with hands-on exercises at Aalto campus.
Cryocourse 2023 and organizer logos white a white thermometer illustration on blue background.

Cryocourse is a series of events dating back to 2002. The Cryocourse concept is valued as an important asset to keep up and disseminate the knowhow of advanced cryogenic techniques on the European scale. In addition to low temperature physics, this is important for many aspects of solid state quantum technology, and for developing new applications of low noise amplification, novel quantum components, and microwave measurements at the single-quantum level.

In 2023, Cryocourse returns to Aalto. The event is aimed at young researchers at the graduate and postdoctoral level. We offer training by most knowledgeable and distinguished scientists in the field.

The students are provided with tutorial lectures on cooling and measurement techniques, low-temperature detectors and amplifiers, sample preparation for experiments at extreme conditions, as well as latest developments in the field of low temperature engineering for quantum technology. In addition, the program includes hands-on exercises in thermometry and other low temperature techniques, guided by advanced graduate students and scientists at the Department of Applied Physics of Aalto University.

Attending the course is free-of-charge, with a deadline to register by April 15. More information, including lecturers, topics, daily programme, and the sign-up link can be found on the official Cryocourse 2023 site:

Cryocourse 2023 is organised by Aalto University, the European Microkelvin Platform, InstituteQ in partnership with the national research infrastructure OtaNano, which houses many of the equipment participants will use during the course.

White InstituteQ logo on dark background

InstituteQ - The Finnish Quantum Institute (external link)

InstituteQ coordinates quantum research, education, and business in Finland

Kvanttibitit. Kuva: Jan Goetz.


OtaNano is Finland's national research infrastructure for micro-, nano-, and quantum technologies

Drone shot of Nuuksio by Visit Espoo

Cryocourse 2023

Cryocourse 2023 is an international school on cryogenics, microwave measurements, and low-temperature engineering for quantum technology.

Department of Applied Physics
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