
Department of Computer Science welcomes Parinya Chalermsook as Assistant Professor

Max Planck Institute for Informatics selected Parinya Chalermsook’s research as one of the spotlights of the institute earlier this year.

When working in Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Germany in 2013-2016, Chalermsook was specialized in combinatorial optimization. He started as postdoctoral researcher and was then promoted to a senior researcher.

Before Germany, Chalermsook spent 6,5 years in Chicago, and achieved PhD in computer science from the University of Chicago in 2012. His areas of research were algorithms and complexity - both efficient computing and finding explanations to computing problems that cannot be solved.

"In my research I am looking for solutions to fundamental computational problems that arise in real-world settings, for instance finding a route from one place to another. Sometimes it means being satisfied with the second best option and sometimes only a little progress in a very old computational problem," describes Chalermsook.

Chalermsook was born in Bangkok, Thailand, and in 2002-2005 he acted as a lecturer at the Kasetsart University. In addition to teaching programming and mathematics at the university, he was selecting and coaching the high school students for the International Olympiad in Informatics.

"In Thailand we take competitions seriously. The yearly chosen four students spent 1,5 months at a training camp. It was really fun to coach the students, not to mention that my students won twice gold and twice silver medals in the olympiad," tells Chalermsook.

Chalermsook has read a lot about Finland during the past years and is even looking forward to the cold weather. The Department of Computer Science welcomes Parinya to join the department faculty with more than 40 professors.

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Research group pages

Max Planck Institute for Informatics: From Routing to Pricing and Learning: Why Are They Hard To Compute?

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