
Dr. Swarnalok De receives a one-year grant from the Finnish Cultural Foundation

Dr. De has been awarded a one-year grant for research on the development of wearable healthcare sensors for autonomous health monitoring of the aging population
Dr. Swarnalok De and logos of the Finnish Cultural Foundation, Aalto University and MMD group
On the photo: Dr. Swarnalok De

The Finnish Cultural Foundation has recently awarded significant grants for science and art to individuals and research groups from Aalto University. Among the grantees is Dr. Swarnalok De from the Multifunctional Materials Design research group (School of Chemical Engineering) who received a one-year grant for research on the development of wearable healthcare sensors for autonomous health monitoring of the aging population from the Artturi and Aina Helenius fund. 

More information about the awarded research work:

Finland is among the top three countries in the world with the highest percentage of population over 65 years. Supporting healthy aging and maintaining the autonomy and safety of older adults is one of the primary societal goals. However, growing life expectancy poses an increasing burden on the already highly strained health systems. Wearable sensor technology in this context offers immense potential to transform our ability to manage health and independence in aging populations.

SEM image of PVA particles coated with AgNPs. Image by Swarnalok De, Aalto University
Image by Swarnalok De, Aalto University

The Finnish Cultural Foundation has awarded Dr. Swarnalok De a one-year grant of €34,000 for research on the development of wearable healthcare sensors for autonomous health monitoring of the aging population. He will use a unique biobased nanoparticle produced by a mild plant virus to develop the sensors. These sensors will have a distinct edge over the conventional ones in terms of ease of miniaturization, enhanced sensitivity, autonomous power supply, and sustainability.

Contact information

Swarnalok De

Postdoctoral Researcher

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Multifunctional Materials Design

Group led by Professor Jaana Vapaavuori

MMD webpage main image. GIF image by Aalto University, Giulnara Launonen

Significant grants for science from the Finnish Cultural Foundation

A total of thirty individuals and research groups from Aalto University received grants from the Finnish Cultural Foundation for science and art. Professors Harri Lipsanen and Zhipei Sun and their team, were awarded a large grant to develop electronic components mimicking the structure and function of the human brain. Among the grantees is also Professor Mikko Alava, whose team is developing water-resistant foams as substitutes for plastic using AI-based methods.

Mikko Alava ja kolme muuta tutkimusryhmän jäsentä kuvattuna teknisen laitteen äärellä.
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Photo: Tima Miroschnichenko, Pexels.
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