
Engaging talks on the development of urban station areas

The Urban Academy and Living+ Platform organized the ”Asemanseudut muutoksessa” morning coffee event on May 17 in the Väre lobby in Otaniemi. The discussions during the event focused on the nature of future station areas, and the opportunities they provide for urban development.
Yleiskaavasuunnittelija Ville Ahvikko kertoo Leppävaaran kehityksestä Asemanseudut muutoksessa -aamukahveilla Aalto-yliopistolla

The Urban Academy’s project manager Annina Ala-Outinen opened the morning coffee event which included four presentations by researchers and civil servants from the Ministry of the Environment, City of Espoo, City of Helsinki and Aalto University.

Senior specialist Suvi Anttila from the Ministry of the Environment and urban planner Ville Ahvikko from the City of Espoo both discussed the potential station areas carry for creating a more sustainable and dense urban structure. Researcher Jenni Väliniemi-Laurson from the City of Helsinki raised the importance of increasing the sense of security when developing station areas. The last speaker, the project manager of the Living+ Platform Aija Staffans explained how station areas develop through time and presented examples of new station areas.

The presentations were followed by intensive discussions on the potential for station area developments. Approximately 30 people participated in the event.

Kaupunkiakatemia - Urban Academy

Urban Academy (external link)

Urban Academy (Kaupunkiakatemia) is a platform and network that brings together multidisciplinary research, teaching and societal impact in the field of urban studies. It is a partnership of five organizations: University of Helsinki, Aalto University, City of Helsinki, City of Espoo and City of Vantaa.

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Photo: Tima Miroschnichenko, Pexels.
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