
First Horizon 2020 research projects getting underway in Aalto University

The Commission is granting research funds to six research projects.

The Commission is granting research funds to six Aalto University research projects. The funding agreements for the projects are in the preparation phase, and the Commission has decided to grant funding to them all. The funding share obtained by Aalto University is at this stage around €3.6 million.

The Commission's goal is that the Horizon 2020 Programme will help to create growth and new jobs in Europe and improve the global competitiveness of European companies. Aalto University's research projects excellently fulfil the three assessment criteria drawn by the Commission: scientific quality, impact, and project implementation.

Three of the projects deal with information technology. The Aalto University-coordinated SSICLOPS Project (Scalable and Secure Infrastructures for Cloud Operations) is led by Professor Jörg Ott. He is also Aalto University's responsible manager for the RIFE Project (ArchitectuRe for an Internet For Everybody), in which Aalto is a partner organisation.

- The social impact of the projects is exceedingly high. The goal of the SSICLOPS project is to acquire new practical experience of cloud services and their efficient use. The cloud service will be tested using different operating methods with the goal of producing an efficient and optimised service. The goal of the RIFE Project is to create a new internet-architecture solution which takes the whole developmental trajectory into account and produces inexpensive solutions for consumers in the form of services and applications, Professor Jörg Ott explains.

High project goals

The work of the POINT Project (iP Over IcN- the betTer IP) is based on the Aalto-coordinated, EU Future Internet Award-winning PURSUIT Project, which terminated in 2013 and was part of the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme. The POINT Project will develop a new kind of internet, one which is content-based. The project is coordinated by Aalto University, with Aalto University’s responsible manager for the project being professor Antti Ylä-Jääski. Coordinator of the project is Arto Karila.

The goal of the TransFlexTeg Project (Large area transparent thin film thermoelectric devices for smart window and flexible applications) is to develop the 'smart glass' concept and produce electricity by adding new kinds of functionality to the glass. Aalto University’s responsible manager for the project is professor Ilkka Tittonen. Professor Kari Laasonen will also participate in the project.

The goal of the MAPS-LED Project (Multidisciplinary Approach to Plan Smart Specialisation Strategies for Local Economic development) is to promote regional innovation activities. Aalto University's approach focuses in particular on the designing of community structures and examination of local needs and opportunities. Aalto University's part in the project will be managed by researcher Markku Norvasuo and lecturer Hanna Mattila. Professor Marketta Kyttä and her research team will also be utilizing the project.

Industrial Innovation in Transition -project (IIT) involves participants from 5 EU countries. The project is coordinated by Aalto University and the responsible manager is professor Erkki Ormala.

Horizon 2020 is the EU's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for 2014–2020. Horizon is the successor to the EU's seventh framework programme, and it will be providing nearly €80 billion of funding for European research and innovation projects between 2014 and 2020.  The project always has numerous funding opportunities open for application. The Horizon 2020 programme brings together the Framework Programme for Research, the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP), and the activities of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT).

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