
Greater freedom of choice with new master’s degree programmes

The programmes have been designed from the ground up to meet the requirements for future skills.
Aalto University School of Engineering

Aalto University School of Engineering is initiating eight new master’s degree programmes in autumn 2016. The programmes have been designed from the ground up to meet the requirements for future skills.

These new two-year degree programmes lead to a master’s degree in science (technology) and will be run in English:

The master’s programmes have been designed in cooperation with stakeholders with an aim for the skill requirements of the future. Teaching will be planned with an eye on societal and working life challenges alongside open interaction with stakeholders and other partners.

- The teaching in these programmes will be based on our university’s research, making students a part of an active science community right from the start, says School of Engineering Manager of Academic Affairs Marjo Immonen.

- The new degree programmes provide a greater freedom of choice than ever. Students have a choice of multiple advanced study lines, and the degree programmes also include elective studies from Aalto University or international partner universities’ curricula, Immonen continues.

School of Engineering bachelor’s students to choose master’s programmes in spring 2016

The Bachelor´s Programme in Engineering has three major subjects: Energy and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical and Structural Engineering, and Built Environment. Students in major subjects will be eligible to transfer to the master’s programmes that their choice of major subject allows for. There will be multiple options, with students choosing their specialisation in spring 2016. In addition, external students from both Finland and abroad will be selected for the master's degree programmes.

- All of the master’s programmes will be run in English. Finnish or Swedish may be used in the programmes within certain conditions. For example, students that have completed their bachelor’s programmes and continue on to a master’s programme may complete their assignments in Finnish or Swedish. Some courses may be, depending on subject-specific requirements, run in Finnish or Swedish, according to Immonen.

The master’s programmes will consist of 120 credits (ECTS), with a thesis worth 30 credits, major subject studies worth approx. 60 credits and elective studies worth approx. 30 credits. Students will have the possibility of including studies from other programmes, Aalto University schools and other universities in Finland and abroad in their degrees.

Each new master’s programme has had a responsible professor for the preparatory period – programme heads will be nominated in spring 2016. The new master’s programmes’ preparation group chairperson has been the vice dean responsible for teaching at the school, professor Kirsi Virrantaus; university lecturer Markku Kuuva has been the group’s secretary.

New international cooperation also available

In addition to the new master’s programmes, the School of Engineering is part of several international alliance programmes. In 2016, students may apply for the following international alliance programmes:

In addition to these, the School of Engineering is a part of the 

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