
Greger Lindén awarded Success Contributor - current matters discussed at Provost’s Coffee

Senior Adviser Greger Lindén received Aalto’s Success Contributor award. HR Director Tiia Tuomi and joint services HR manager Rita Heinrichs presented a certificate to Greger during the Provost’s Morning Coffee on 1 June.

The reasons given for the Success Contributor award stated that Greger Lindén is committed to his work and performs it in a high-quality manner, in cooperation with others. He has developed his strong expertise on Aalto’s various sectors in an exemplary manner, and has had an important role for example in Academy of Finland’s profiling applications, in organising scientific and artistic advisory boards’ visits, and in continuing the development of tenure track system. He works in close cooperation with the Aalto University Management Team, the Provost, the HR Services, and people across the Aalto Schools.

The award is intended to give recognition to joint services staff in matters such as work quality, use of new work practices, consideration of Aalto values, cooperation, a focus on one's core tasks, and a sensitivity to the customer’s perspective.

The award is presented 2 to 4 times a year. Rita Heinrichs is happy to receive suggestions for the next award recipients.

Aalto took Finland to space

During the Morning Coffee, Provost Ilkka Niemelä shared some examples of recent great achievements. Among those mentioned were, for example, student-designed Aika stage (Time) at SuomiAreena forum in Pori, Crystal Flowers in Halls of Mirrors course's final exhibition at Heureka, the amazing success of our fashion education, and the listing by Times Higher Education, where Aalto was ranked among 55 technology challenger universities in the world. As Niemelä mentioned the student-built satellite, the audience burst into spontaneous applause: Aalto brought Finland to the space age, and the first satellite signal from the space has been received.

Positive long-term economic outlook

Niemelä also described this May's strategy dialogues that are used to study the long-term development of Schools, services, and joint strategic initiatives. 'The long-term economic outlook is more positive than during the previous round. There seems to be no additional cut pressure targeted at the universities. Also our own situation is better. Our good academic result brings us some leeway through the funding model of the Ministry of Education and Culture. Our competitiveness with external funding has risen', Niemelä stated. 'The strategic goal of our Schools is to be the best in their field in the Nordic countries in 2020. The competition is tough, there are many excellent universities in Sweden and in Denmark.'

Fundraising campaign coming to an end

Aalto fundraising campaign is currently on its final month. We have gathered an excellent amount of 21 million euros, which means we have exceeded our goal. 'In June there is still time to participate in the ongoing Heart Campus campaign, where you can share your best memories about Aalto or its predecessor universities, or read other people’s stories', Niemelä encouraged.

In the end of the Morning Coffee, Päivi Hietanen and Toni Wallius from Aalto CRE told about the move to Dipoli that takes place during the summer.

Ilkka Niemelä's presentation (pdf)
Welcome to Dipoli - moving information, Päivi Hietanen (pdf)

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