
GYSS 2024: a unique platform for inspiration, knowledge exchange and networking

Maryam Mousavi from Multifunctional Materials Design research group was one of the 10 top young scientists from Finland accepted to the Global Young Scientists Summit 2024 in Singapore
Maryam Mousavi at Global Young Scientists Summit 2024. Photo credit: Technology Academy Finland
Photo credit: Technology Academy Finland

The Global Young Scientists Summit in Singapore, organized by the National Research Foundation (NRF), annually gathers young researchers and distinguished scientists worldwide to discuss science, technology trends, and global challenges. For this year's summit, ten top young scientists from Finnish universities and research centers were once again nominated by the Technology Academy Finland.  

Maryam Mousavi was among the candidates selected to represent Finland in this prestigious conference in January 2024! Below is the story about her experience at the event. 


Observing the tangible influence of science on industry and society was beautiful

"The summit offered a unique platform for inspiration, allowing me to listen to and engage with distinguished figures in various fields. The lineup of speakers included Nobel Laureates in physics, chemistry, and physiology/medicine, Turing Award winners, Fields medalists, and Millennium Technology Prize winners in solar energy and next-generation sequencing. In addition to the enlightening talks, I seized the opportunity to discuss and network with fellow students selected for this gathering, enriching my experience in the realms of science and technology.

Participating in GYSS 2024 was a unique experience, fostering connections with bright minds worldwide. The insightful talks from renowned scientists who have shaped the world with their discoveries left a lasting impression on me. Reflecting on the event's conclusion, I recognize its profound impact on my perspective as an early-stage scientist. Observing the tangible influence of science on industry and society was beautiful."

"When someone says not to do it, take it as motivation to do it!"

"As a researcher in solar cell technology, I was truly inspired by Prof. Martin Green's story about how it took over 50 years for silicone solar cells to develop. Now, they hold the potential to provide incredibly cheap electricity, thereby granting people in impoverished parts of the world access to electricity (Millennium Technology Prize 2022). His story highlighted how sticking with research can make a big impact - something echoed by Shankar Balasubramanian (Millennium Technology Prize 2020), who wisely said, "When someone says not to do it, take it as motivation to do it!" "

"During the summit, I got the chance to visit research labs at the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences at Nanyang Technical University (Singapore). Moreover, we participated in a discussion event organized by the Embassy of Finland in Singapore and hosted by Finland’s Ambassador to Singapore Juha Markkanen. This event brought together Millennium Technology Prize awardees, members of the National Research Foundation Singapore, local innovation experts, and representatives of Finnish companies - it was a fantastic place for asking questions and networking."

Captivating Singapore

"As someone visiting Singapore for the first time, I was captivated by its futuristic and stunning atmosphere. The coexistence of traditional and modern life, alongside the city's natural and botanical beauty, was truly amazing and enjoyable.

It was an honor to have been among the 350 young scientists selected from around the world to attend the Global Young Scientists Summit 2024. As one of the ten top young scientists chosen from Finland, I felt truly honored to participate in this extraordinary event!"

Maryam Mousavi expresses her sincere gratitude to the National Research Foundation Singapore and Technology Academy Finland (TAF) for this amazing opportunity. She would also like to acknowledge financial support throughout her research from the Neste and Fortum foundation and PREIN - Photonics Research and Innovation Flagship.


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10 top young scientists from Finland accepted to Singapore's reputed Global Young Scientists Summit (external link)

Technology Academy Finland had the honor of nominating candidates from Finland for the Global Young Scientists Summit 2024 in Singapore. Ten top young scientists from Finnish universities and research centers will participate in this prestigious conference in January.

Candidates from Finland to GYSS2024. Photo credit: Millennium Technology Prize
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