
HiPerHP Project Kickoff

Aalto University and LUT launch a new collaborative project on High-Speed Turbomachine Technology for Industrial Heat Pumps
heat pump project


LUT and Aalto have kicked off a 2-year project (HiPerHP) to take steps towards commercialization of high-speed turbomachine technology for industrial heat pumps. This electrification initiative is important, as process heat consumes 66% of the total heat in EU and about 80% share is produced by fossil fuels. The basic technology has been developed in LUT and HiECSs Center of Excellence. The project is led Professors Anouar Belahcen, Jussi Sopanen, Juha Saari and Janne Nerg.

The project is funded by the Research Council of Finland and is linked to the project of CoE-HiECSs.

Main Objectives

The key objectives of the project are to develop of proof of concept (POC) unit of the turbomachine and to build an industrial ecosystem to enable the commercialization of the technology

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Photo: Tima Miroschnichenko, Pexels.
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