International small business award to Olli Vuola
From left to right: Immediate Past-President Ruben Ascua, President Ki-Chan Kim, Olli Vuola, Vice President Jeffrey Alves. Photo: Valter Rassega.
The awards is a gratitude for the work Olli Vuola has done for ICSB and the World Conference.
- I got to know ICSB’s Preisdent Ki-Chan Kim and Executive Director Ayman Tarabishy and we hit it off. We have since then done a lot of work together. I have for example participated in planning the ICSB Wolrd Conference, says Vuola.
Vuola was also invited to Italy to teach and to plan a summit for next year.
The Finnish UN Ambassador Kai Sauer and the Consul General Jukka Pietikäinen from New York participated in the conference, amongst others. The Award ceremony was held in the banquet hall of the UN Headquarters in New York.
- We have also planned that he ICSB World Conference could be held in Finland at Aalto University in 2019 or 2020, Vuola says.
The International Council for Small Business (ICSB) is a non-profit organization devoted to continuing management education for entrepreneurs and small business.
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