
Introducing the School of Business Alumna of the Year 2018 Elina Björklund

Elina Björklund, the CEO of Reima, was awarded as the Alumna of the Year 2018 in Aalto University School of Business. The award was announced in the School of Business Homecoming Day at the end of August.
Reiman toimitusjohtaja Elina Björklund valittiin Aalto-yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulun Vuoden Alumniksi 2018

What and when did you study at Aalto University School of Business?

I started my studies in 1989 and studied international economics as my major. As my minors, I studied statistics and finance. I graduated in 1994.

What is your current work life position?

I have acted as the CEO of Reima since 2012. Before that, I have worked in several positions related to management consulting, marketing and finance.

What are your greetings to the current students at the School of Business? What should one study and what kind of skills should one gain for the future?

You should study as widely as possible, and remember to stay open-minded for different studies! Aalto University offers a great opportunity for this. Studying multidisciplinary subjects will be of use to you later on in the working life.

Understanding digital aspects, gaining analytical skills and beign able to interact with people are extremely important skills when building your career, but you should not forget the "softer subjects", such as design thinking. I encourage you to study languages, too, for you might not have the time needed to study them later on in life.

Elina Björklund was awarded as the Alumna of the Year in Aalto University School of Business Homecoming Day on August 31, 2018. Björklund sent her video greetings to all School of Business alumni. You can see the video here.

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