
Million Euro barrier broken

Business and economics have attracted donations worth over a million Euros as part of Aalto University’s fund raising.

Innovation in business requires fresh research output and skills, both of which Aalto University School of Business produces. However, the proportion of state funding for universities is being reduced and donations are being sought now to support the future generations of students.

Donations earmarked for business and economics, as part of Aalto University’s current fund raising campaign, amount now to a million Euros.

Several foundations and companies have contributed. The School of Business is also very pleased by the donations made by alumni ─ evidence of their satisfaction with their own education and their wish to support current students and researchers.

'This shows our alumni want to give back. We are super grateful for every donation, whatever the size', said Ingmar Björkman, Dean of the School of Business.

A gift for the future

One donor was Päivi Heikinheimo who graduated in 1976 from what was then the Helsinki School of Economics, now Aalto University School of Business.

'The enthusiasm and fun of learning increased year on year during my student years', remembers Ms Heikinheimo. 'For my part, I want to help to ensure the new generations of students have the same experience.'

She believes high quality teaching helps everyone build a future, not just for their own benefit, but for the benefit of the society too. She sees this as one of the major things she gained from the School of Business.

'Youth is the time when one’s view of the world is formed, perspectives are developed and the foundation for one’s thinking is laid. That is why it is extremely important that the studies are multi-faceted and broad-based', says Ms Heikinheimo explaining her desire to donate.

Support for internationalisation

Miina Tikkanen graduated from the current School of Business a little over a year ago and also wants to take part in the fund raising campaign.

'The years at the School of Business were definitely the best time of my life! I would not be the same person if it were not for the school', is Ms Tikkanen’s reason for donating. 

Her list of the best parts of her student years include study trips and exchanges abroad. She also sees that the knowledge she gained and the network she developed supports her professional career. In her view these are also the definite strengths of the School.

'I want future generations to be able to gain international experience around the world and study under the guidance of inspirational lecturers in an environment that supports learning.'

Read more on donating

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