
Otaniemi campus opening hours during summer 2022

Please notice the exceptional opening hours of the buildings when visiting the campus and Aalto University Töölö. Summer opening hours apply on Otaniemi campus from 6 June 2022 onwards.
Picture: Petri Anttila

Exceptional opening hours of campus buildings during summer 2022


Building addresses

Exceptional opening hours of buildings during summer 2022

A Grid (Otakaari 5)

Otakaari 5

27.6 – 12.8. weekdays at 07:45 – 15:30.
Closed  26.5. and 24.6.

Aalto University Töölö Runeberginkatu 14-16, Helsinki

27.6. –  22.7. weekdays at 08.00 – 15.30.
Closed 26.5. and 24.6.

Computer Science building
Konemiehentie 2A    6.6 – 26.8. weekdays at 07:45 – 15:30.
Closed 26.5. and 24.6.
Construction Engineering & Aalto CRE
Rakentajanaukio 4A 6.6 – 26.8. weekdays at 07:45 – 15:30.
Closed  26.5. and 24.6.
Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems 
Vuorimiehentie 1A

6.6.– 26.8. weekdays at 07:45 – 15:30.
Closed  26.5. and 24.6.

Department of Film, Television and Scenography 

Otakaari 7 B 6.6 – 26.8. weekdays at 07:45 – 15:30.
Closed  26.5. and 24.6.

Design Factory 

Betonimiehenkuja 5

6.6. – 1.7. weekdays at 07:45 –15:30.
4.– 29.7. closed.
1.8. onwards weekdays at 07:45-15:30.

Dipoli, Käpyovi

Otakaari 24 27.6 – 12.8. weekdays at 07:45 – 15:30.
Closed  26.5. and 24.6.
Harald Herlin Learning Centre Otaniementie 9A

27.6. – 12.8. weekdays at 07:45-15:00.
Closed 26.5. and 24.6.

Maarintie 8 
Maarintie 8 A1 6.6 – 26.8. weekdays at 07:45 – 15.30.
Closed 26.5. and 24.6.
Machine Technology 1, K1 
Otakaari 4A 6.6 – 26.8. weekdays at 07:45 – 15:30.
Closed 26.5. and 24.6.

Machine Technology 4, K4 

Sähkömiehentie 4 20.6 – 26.8. closed. Closed 26.5. and 24.6.
Nanotalo building 
Puumiehenkuja 2A 6.6 – 26.8. weekdays at 07:45 – 15:30.
Closed  26.5. and 24.6.

Otakaari 3 ja Rakentajanaukio 2 

Otakaari 3A

6.6 – 26.8. weekdays at 07:45 – 15:30.
Closed  26.5. and 24.6.

Raw Materials Hub 

Vuorimiehentie 2

6.6 – 26.8. weekdays at 07:45 – 15:30.
Closed  26.5. and 24.6.

School of Business 

Ekonominaukio 1 27.6 – 12.8. weekdays at 07:45 – 15:30.
Closed 26.5. and 24.6.

School of Chemical Engineering

Kemistintie 1A 6.6 – 26.8. weekdays at 07:45 – 15:30.
Closed 26.5. and 24.6.

Undergraduate Centre

Otakaari 1 27.6 – 12.8. weekdays at 07:45 – 15:30.
Closed 26.5. and 24.6.


Otaniementie 14

27.6 – 12.8. weekdays at 07:45 – 15:30.
Closed 26.5. and 24.6.

Access to the building only with an access token / HSL card


Machine Techology 2, K2 (Puumiehenkuja 3)


Maarintalo building (Sähkömiehentie 3)


Water Engineering (Tietotie 1E)


Marine Technology (Tietotie 1A)


Machine Technology 3, K3 (Puumiehenkuja 5)


Closed due to renovation, building site, no lobby services

Campus restaurants’ opening hours during the summer 2022

Campus restaurants have reduced opening hours in the summer.

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Kuvassa näkyy Kauppakorkeakoulun uuden rakennuksen Arvo-ravintola.
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