
Over one million euros in grants from the Wihuri Foundation

The Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation grants were awarded to 41 individuals or teams in Aalto University.
Crystal Flowers in Halls of Mirrors -näyttelyn kuva, kuvaaja Mikko Raskinen

The Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation annually awards grants for scientific research, for creating prerequisites for artistic work and experiencing art in the society as well as for the promotion of an inclusive civil society.

Grants awarded to Aalto University total EUR 1.348.000. The largest single grant is for the economics and data science professorship, and it is part of the donation made by the Wihuri Foundation earlier this year. The professorship is at the Helsinki Graduate School of Economics.

This year, the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation will distribute EUR 12.6 million to projects in the fields of science (63%), art (21%) and societal activities (16%). Of the total of 422 grants, 311 will be awarded to private individuals or working groups and 111 to organisations. The distributed amount includes 119 one-year grants awarded mainly to doctoral dissertations and postdoctoral research. In the grant application process in May, the Foundation received more than 5 200 applications and the total sum applied for was EUR 116 million. 

For details, please see the attachments below (in Finnish).

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