Post-Doctoral Research Scholarship - Apply for the call by 5 July 2019!
RawMatCop Call for Applications – Uncover the power of Copernicus for raw materials solutions!
RawMatCop 2018-2020 Call for Applications:
- 2-3 Post-Doctoral Research Scholarship Projects, duration 1 year
- 2-3 Academic Placement Projects with Industry/Authorities, duration 1 year
Applications should be submitted to EIT RawMaterials via email to [email protected]
Deadline for applications is 5 July 2019, 12:00 CEST.
Application contents, including budget calculation, evaluation process and criteria for assessment, timeline and application template can be found in the attached Call for Applications.
Scope of the Post-Doctoral Research Scholarship projects and the Academic Placements with Industry/Authorities should address one of the following domains of the Copernicus-related data for:
- Raw material prospecting and exploration
- Raw material extraction and mining activities
- Secondary raw material resources
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