Professor Visa Koivunen receives association EURASIP's most prestigious honor
In recognition of outstanding achievements in the broad field of Signal Processing, the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) has elevated in year 2020 three scholars to “EURASIP Fellow”, the association's most prestigious honor.
Professor Visa Koivunen from the Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics, School of Electrical Engineering, Aalto University is one of the elevated scholars this year with the quotation “For fundamental contributions to multisensor and statistical signal processing”.
His work has applications for example in radar, wireless communications, sensor networks, signal analysis, data science and machine learning. The other two recipients were Professor Moe Win, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA and Professor Stephen McLaughlin, Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom. Professor Koivunen is over the years the second recipient of this recognition from Finland, the first one being Professor Jaakko Astola from Tampere University.
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