
Research-based knowledge meets the realities of industry

The Knowledge Sharing Breakfast event has established itself as one of our school's strategic events targeting the industry.

One of the tasks of the School of Business is to try to promote society's development, not only by producing high-quality research information but also by implementing new research findings for the use and benefit of the industry. 

During this academic year, there were six of these events, which are organised by the External Relations unit of the school and by each department in turn, and six more are promised for the autumn.

The last Knowledge Sharing Breakfast during the past academic year was arranged by the Department of Marketing of the Aalto University School of Business at the beginning of May under the leadership of Paul Viio, Professor of Practice (sales). With the help of a couple of company examples, the event focused on the concept of value-based sales and on differences between sales with so-called traditional approach and value-based sales. Speeches were made by  Mikael Castrén, Director, sales and marketing, of SMT, and Jaakko Vilén, Sales Director of Tieto Oyj. Attending the event, there were companies' sales and marketing management personnel who had been invited to discuss the topic.

The idea of the Knowledge Sharing Breakfast concept is to provide a common forum for academic community and the management, decision-makers and influential people in the industry, a forum where the competences of the parties involved are easy to share during informal discussions. Discussions and contacts have continued even after the events.

Also, Matti Liski from the Department of Economics, Jari Huikku and Hanna Silvola from the Department of Accounting, Erkki Ormala from the Department of Management Studies and Ilkka Lakaniemi from CKIR have been organising, for their departments, their own Knowledge Sharing Breakfast during the past academic year.

Further information and contacts: [email protected]

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