
Salla-Mari Saanio studies online learning strategies in her Master's thesis

Information Networks student Salla-Mari Saanio will begin her Master's thesis journey as a part of Aalto Online Learning team. Here, she will introduce herself and what will be her thesis topic.
Salla-Mari Saanio sitting relaxedly by a laptop with a puppy on her feet.
Salla-Mari and her puppy / photo: Salla-Mari Saanio

The article was first published at Aalto Online Learning website.

Welcome to the team, Salla-Mari! Would you like to introduce yourself?

I am Salla-Mari Saanio, a happy owner of a young baby dog, and an Information Networks student in Aalto University. I did my minor in computer science but now in Masters studies I’ve been focusing only in information networks.

I’ve been following the work of Aalto Online Learning for a few years and now that writing my Master’s thesis is relevant for me I got the opportunity to work there. Also, I wrote my Bachelor’s thesis about critical thinking in e-learning.

When it comes to my studies, the Master’s thesis is the only thing what I’m still missing. I was actually working and not in a hurry with the thesis or graduating, but since the COVID-19 outbreak has brought online learning to surface with such volume, I got inspired to write my thesis now. I found this moment in time very relevant and interesting to focus on my thesis.

What does online learning mean for you?

Online learning is an opportunity for more equal chances for learning and educating.

What do you do in Aalto Online Learning team?

I work as a research assistant. I shall do my own Master’s thesis research with the support of the team. I also want to help all the team members with their projects. It’s such a small team that I think that it will be easy to keep on track of what others are doing and find opportunities for collaboration.

Lately, I have spent time on gaining an understanding on what is the role of Aalto Online Learning; what are the needs and hopes for it. I’ve also been looking for answers on what is the identity and the core of Aalto Online Learning. During the upcoming six months, I’ll be doing my research and writing my thesis.

Could you share, what your Master’s thesis is about?

I am interested in different learning strategies in relation to online learning and online learning platforms. I think that there is a need to differentiate between and evaluate different learning tools and platforms. I think one way for doing this is studying the learning strategies which can be performed with learning tools.

I’m looking for Aalto-wide collaboration, especially with teachers who hold courses during the fall. More on this coming up!

What are the best tips for writing your thesis?

Brainstorm with others to find a theme you care about! In this way you’ll find a topic you don’t mind spending time on.

Thank you, Salla-Mari, and good luck with your Master’s thesis!

Interviewed by Silva Saulio

Stay updated on Salla-Mari’s thesis journey and subscribe to Aalto Online Learning Newsletter for the newest information!

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