
School of Business student story: Ni Nguyen

Studying in the Bachelor's Program in International Business has made Ni Nguyen more confident: “Public speaking used to be my biggest fear but now, the shaking voice and tensed facial muscles during presentations have vanished.”
BScBA Program student Ni Nguyen

Would you shortly introduce yourself?

I am Ni Nguyen, a young Vietnamese woman who has been reveling every bit of her time as a BaBa19 (2nd year student) and a part of Aalto University Mikkeli Campus. Most of my childhood was restricted within the border of the central highland in the middle of Vietnam and numerous deep-rooted prejudices.

I went to Nguyen Du high school for gifted students and then got into the Foreign Trade University, one of the best universities in Vietnam. My parents wanted me to follow a very traditional path and even now that narrative is easily noticeable in my character.

How and why did you end up choosing the BScBA Program?

I was content with my more or less stable life in Vietnam and not so longing for the application’s result of a university from overseas. However, when I got the acceptance and a scholarship, it felt like a dream, which was fantastic and scary simultaneously. I kept asking myself: if not now, then when? So I left all the concerns and doubts behind, and flew over here, eager to explore Finland and to discover who I am.

What has your study experience been like so far?

My study experience here has been great. The three-week modules allow me to concentrate in one subject and absorb all the knowledge without distractions. The professors and Aalto Mikkeli staff are all super supportive and approachable, which have made me more confident to express my opinion or to ask for help. But what I’ve enjoyed the most, undoubtedly, is the Mikkeli spirit. That kind of spirit walked me through the ups and downs in Finland.  Would I recommend the BScBA Program to other students? Definitely yes.

The professors and Aalto Mikkeli staff are all super supportive and approachable.

Ni Nguyen, BScBA student

What has been the ultimate highlight of your studies or time in Finland?

The ultimate highlight of my time in Finland by now was when I dared to do a thing that I never had the courage to do before: running a campaign for a position in the student organization and giving a speech in front of many people. It was a priceless lesson and a memorable achievement, as I stepped out of my comfort zone. The Mikkeli spirit was clearer than ever on that night, when I received a lot of support and encouragements from many people, even whom I didn’t know. It’s not a thing that can be described by words but rather be experienced by oneself and believe me, it’s worthwhile.

How have your studies in Aalto University and living in Mikkeli shaped you as a person?

First and foremost, I have seen an outstanding progress in my academic ability, from both knowledge and skill standpoints. Public speaking used to be my biggest fear but now, the shaking voice and tensed facial muscles during presentations are have vanished. I have been totally in awe to be surrounded by a lot of intelligent students, who are knowledgeable and talented in many ways. I have learnt a lot from them and pushed myself forward. Likewise, they recognize my ability and encourage me to be more confident, which I’m truly grateful for.

Living in Mikkeli might sound boring, but it is a perfect opportunity to enjoy life and explore yourself. It can also be very bustling if you surround yourself with good friends and attend events, which are now disquietingly postponed due to the pandemic. Personally, I have become more outgoing, confident, and culturally sensitive after being involved in such an international and multi-cultural environment like Aalto Mikkeli.

Bachelor's Program in International Business, Aalto University

International Business, Bachelor (BScBA, Mikkeli) and Master of Science (Otaniemi) in Economics and Business Administration

The Bachelor’s Programme in International Business provides students with a comprehensive range of skills and knowledge to build, develop and lead companies on a global scale. A bachelor’s degree in business with an international focus opens up a wide variety of career opportunities across all industries and continents.

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