
Solve the SDGs returns — now in Finland and India

Solve the SDGs is a hackathon where we work together towards a better tomorrow by creating solutions for reaching the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. This year, Solve the SDGs is organized simultaneously in Finland and India, enabling a broader impact and providing the participants of both countries with new perspectives.
Ryhmä ihmisiä työskentelee hackathonissa

Solve the SDGs by Aalto Ventures Program and Junction makes a return on 22.-24.3.2024 in Finland and India!

The event brings together an international group of students, alumni, company representatives and expert mentors to work on sustainable development goals for one weekend.

The theme of this year’s hackathon is what we can do today for a better tomorrow. The future may seem like a long way off, but it’s our actions today that dictate what tomorrow will be like. By acting now, we can make small changes that could snowball into big ones — and even solve big problems before they become too big to solve.

Henkilö ottaa selfietä tiiminsä kanssa hackathonissa

Last year, Solve the SDGs was organized in Finland, Uganda, and Tanzania, and it attracted almost 400 participants from all over the world, 250 of them in Otaniemi. Together, the participants produced some 90 solutions for some of the world’s most pressing problems for our partner organizations.

The hackathon is open to everyone regardless of how far you're in your studies, what your field is, or if you're in university at all. Earlier hackathon or programming experience is not required — an interest in developing something new and towards sustainability is enough.

Read more and sign up at

Näkymä Kauppakorkeakoulusta hackathonin aikaan

Solve the SDGs 2024

Apply now for a sustainability hackathon like no other! Create solutions for real-world challenges and start the work towards a better tomorrow, today.

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In the middle is the logo of Solve the SDGs. In the background a melted blop of plastic and the remnants of items like a flamingo beach float and a dog toy.
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