Space utilization rate pilot has started
Space utilization rate data will be gathered to support better space experience and sustainable space use on the campus. From the data, we want to find out the number of people in the space, not who the people in the space are.
In the pilot project that started in autumn 2022, data will be collected with optical sensors. Sensors will recognize 3D shapes, but people will stay anonymous. Sensors have been added to Otakaari 1 lecture halls and group working spaces, in Harald Herlin Learning Centre and ACRE's office in Rakentajanaukio 4. In those spaces where sensors are, there is also more information about the project.
Based on the results from the pilot project, space utilization rate data collecting sensors can be added also to the other spaces on the campus.
What does the sensor see? People can not be recognized from the data. Data collecting technic and privacy have been checked together with university ITS and security.
More information:
Antti Säynäjoki / ACRE, [email protected]
Jyrki Koski / Aalto ITS, [email protected]