
Spot the Jokeri Light Rail on the Otaniemi campus!

The technical test runs of the Jokeri Light Rail line will start on the Otaniemi area in March. Test drives begin with a two day period of slow driving, during which the car is driven between Leppävaara and Keilaniemi.
Raide-Jokeri raitiovaunu
Kuva: Raide-Jokeri

Technical test runs of the Jokeri Light Rail line are currently ongoing. You can spot the light rail car on the campus on Wednesday 1st March as of 12 o'clock and on Thursday 2nd March morning. We are greeting the Jokeri Light Rail on Wednesday by arranging a procession starting from Maarintie to the front of A Bloc. The procession is open to all.

The test runs will involve the testing of technical systems, such as the functionality of the switch control system and traffic lights. The light rail line’s traffic lights will be deployed and the overhead cables will be electrified during the test runs. The safety of road users will be ensured with the help of traffic controllers and signs. Level crossings marked in light brown will be established for pedestrians. In this kind of level crossing pedestrians and cyclists must give way to trams.


The safety of road users will be ensured e.g. with the help of signs. Level crossings marked in light brown will be established for pedestrians. Please notice, that a level crossing may not be marked as a zebra crossing. In this kind of level crossing pedestrians and cyclists must give way to trams.

During the test runs going into the car is not allowed, but Jokeri Light Rail will stop at the Aalto University stop (in front of the Learning Centre) to be photographed and familiarized around 12:30-13:30. Passenger service for the Jokeri Light Rail is scheduled to start in autumn 2023 between Helsinki Itäkeskus and Espoo Keilaniemi.

On Tuesday 28 February, Jokeri Light Rail is organizing a residents’ meeting at 18:00 at the Undergraduate Centre (Otakaari 1, hall U2, M entrance). Everybody is welcome to hear about the test drives and their progress! The event is mainly in Finnish.

Facebook event (page in Finnish only): Residents' meeting on Tuesday 28th February at 18.00

Tram tracks on campus, some snow on the ground, with red-bricked buildings on both sides of the tracks

Welcome Jokeri Light Rail together *time changed*

*No procession today* Technical test runs in the direction of Otaniemi begin. Come and say hello to the light rail!

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